Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Run Down....

Christmas hasn't totally happened yet for us. What did happen was a case of the worst stomach bug ever. I say this with no exaggeration. I've had the stomach flu before but this, this was absolutely number 1 of bad bugs....so far. Last Monday, Lilly came down with it, which I feel so bad that she got this horrible thing as her first real sickness at 10.5 month old. It was so hard having her writhe in pain and scream as her little body was racked with the heaves of vomiting. Ugh, poor little girl. On Christmas Eve, I came down ill, very ill. I could not stop vomiting. I could not hold any liquid down, period. I quickly became dehydrated to the point I could barely stand anymore and my lips started turning blue. I was rushed to the ER and after 4 rounds of anti-nausea meds and a bag of fluids, my blood work was incredibly abnormal and I still was sick so they admitted me at 1 am Christmas Day into the hospital. After a 5th dose of meds, more fluids, and a private, quiet hospital room, I slept and mended, being released at 1 pm Christmas Day to go home and sleep. Almost a week later, we're still all recovering. Alfred got sick while we were in the ER and had to go home. He, luckily, was only sick for 24 hours because on the 26th, his mom and sister came down ill. His mom had been helping us watch Lilly while were we sick. Soooo yeah, Merry Christmas! We celebrated a bit with my folks on Sunday, and will hopefully have Christmas with Alfred's family, albeit late, but happy :). Maybe I can actually eat the Christmas feast. My parent's gave us the rest of their huge ham, but I've yet to be able to enjoy it. I just graduated to dry cereal.

Otherwise, life is good. The Winter Quarter starts in a week for school. Irish Dance continues to be enjoyable.

I shall muse about 2008 next...