Monday, March 2, 2009


Okay, so I am a bit of a slacker, whatever. Here's a short update:

Moved into new house on Valentine's Day, yay.
Got a new puppy (Australian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix) from Helen Woodward Animal Center the week after. Cynara is happy.
My car transmission died a month ago, well it still runs but its about to die; would have cost nearly $4,000 to fix. Cried, invested in a rental car for the past 3 weeks while working to improve credit. I am waiting for paperwork to be all filed, but apparently it takes the Pennyslvania 20 million years to do a simple process.
Didn't want to shell out $300 a week anymore for a car. Cried, stressed, got depressed.
Alfred, the best guy ever, agreed to co-sign on a loan if the dealership would approve us. They did. At a really high APR, but that's where future refinancing comes in once credit gets a bump, which the being on the loan will help so I can now have an open line of credit rather than no open line which actually hurts you.
Now own a 2009 Versa Sedan S class, or rather, the bank owns it, but whatever. Yay.
Now I'm broke until next payday which is 2 weeks away; have enough for gas and food and baby products at least.
1st mortgage payment and 1st car payment due next month rather than this month, huzzah.
Just need new garb for Faire and an all-terrain wagon for Lilly to cart her around Faire, and clothes as I continue to lose weight, 'cause I discovered in the move I really don't have more than 4 outfits for work and only 1 or 2 for casual warm weather.
Have a solo for the St. Patrick's Day show.
Its the dreaded slip jig. And because the slip jig isn't slow and long enough, she added more steps to the end of it. Did I mention its a solo? Like all by myself? Uhm, yay? Eeeek! First performance is March 14...that's 12 days! AH!


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