Monday, June 9, 2008

Life continues...

I'm at work early today as I have a therapy appointment this afternoon. I'm currently on Heather's computer because IT took mine away on Friday and hasn't given it back. You'd think they'd come with a temporary, but hah, that would be too logical for our IT department. :P

After being here for almost 2 years, an Asset Forfeiture Specialist position finally became available. Its with DEA and non-contract. So, yes, I applied for it. Even if I don't get chosen for an interview, I am still proud of myself for getting through the process. Government jobs makes you write these KSAs (knowledge, skills and abilities), which are like 1/2-1 full page essay answers to questions they pose on the application. It's really a wonder how we get idiots in TSA and other various departments when they have to do these KSAs as well, but maybe they have idiots on the scoring panel, who knows? Anyhow, there were 10 of these KSAs *twitch* Actually 5 per Grade level. 5 for GS-09 and the same 5 for GS-11. Even though you only wanted to be considered for one level (I know I'm not GS-11 material, I know my limits :P), they made you answer the questions for both levels (which I say, is stupid). Then, after all that, and entering in work history, and education history, they wanted me to provide my transcripts. Wtf? I'm going off my work experience, 3 years of asset forfeiture work, not my education. All my education shows is that I'm an average 2.9 GPA ('cause I'm a slacker and procrastinator), I have an associates degree and a bachelor's degree, and I can read and write relatively well when I put my mind to it (re: I'm a slacker...). So anyway, luckily I already had attachments of unofficial copies available to provide them with. After I was done, I thought, screw it, I have PPD so I'm going to think negatively about it anyway so I beat you to slapping it down, so there, hah! We'll see what comes of it, probably nothing, but at least I managed to do it even through the PPD attacks. If something did come of it, I'd feel bad for work here, but at the same time two event occurred that kind of helped push me to decide to go ahead and apply for it.

I am usually the main backup support to one of our admins here when she's not available or out of the office. I help her managers out, take her phone calls, etc. So you'd think I'd be the logical person to go to when it came to handling the calender for certain board meetings and such, right? Since the calendar is right there in our area. No, her managers suggested Heather do it. I felt like I was slapped in the face, passed over, thought not capable of being able to do the job. I have less on my plate than Heather does right now, poor girl, she's over taxed as it is. I on the other hand, am bored off my ass. I haven't had much going on since I came back from maternity, which isn't helping my PPD because I feel useless and worthless. I know, they probably just weren't thinking, but still. So there was that. And then in June we have our black tie fundraising event, RITZ. I was passed over again. I was never asked to work it this year, never given the opportunity. Wtf? We all usually work it. I know its because they're probably thinking they're being nice, as I've got a 4 month old infant at home and can't work that late (from 8pm to 2am) or anything, but still, give me the chance to turn it down! At least offer it to me! And just because I have a kid, don't assume I can't! Yep, feeling real good here about all of it *dripping with sarcasm*

Lets see, we're trying to give Lily the taste of "solids" now. She hates rice cereal and is very unsure about applesauce. We cracked up at her expression on her face when trying applesauce. "Omg, omg, what the hell is this? Ew Ew ew ew!" she didn't lean away from the spoon like she did with the rice cereal, but she wasn't exactly looking pleased. I'm going to puree up a banana and see if she likes that next, silly girl. Then we're on to veggies, carrots, sweet potato...she's such a chatterbox lately, its amusing. She babbles through her bottle and pacifier even. She's blowing raspberries now, she's laughing at things that amuse her...its so amazing to watch all the sudden development and have her transform from just a baby to something more.

Okay, I'd better go find another computer to work on now as Heather will be in soonish...

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